1. In Switzerland
Consumers have the right to cancel the contract declaration within 14 days of receipt of the goods. The time at which the revocation was sent is decisive for meeting the deadline. A justification for the revocation is not necessary. The declaration of revocation should be sent to: Läderach (Switzerland) AG, Postfach 124, Bleiche 14, CH-8755 Ennenda, email: customerservice.ch@laderach.com.
1.2 Exercising the right of withdrawal leads to the conversion of the purchase contract into a reverse transaction, after which the services received under the purchase contract must be reimbursed. The consumer must return the goods received with the original packaging to the Läderach online shop within 14 days of the declaration of revocation. The consumer bears the costs for the return.
1.3 After receipt of the goods, the purchase price will be refunded to the consumer. We reserve the right to deduct the purchase price to be reimbursed for possible damage or missing goods. No deduction is made if the loss in value is due to the handling necessary to determine the type and quality of the goods. Läderach online shop can refuse repayment until it has received the goods back or until the consumer has provided proof that he has sent the goods back, whichever is earlier.
1.4 The right of withdrawal is excluded for the following products:
Goods made to customer specifications
Goods that are clearly tailored to personal needs
Goods that can spoil quickly
Goods that are past their expiry date
2. Abroad
1.5 Private end customers (so-called consumers) residing in the European Union have the following option instead of a right of withdrawal: Goods that do not perish quickly and are not made to customer specifications or clearly tailored to the personal needs of the customer can be returned within 14 days receipt of the goods or after receipt of the necessary instruction and fulfillment of the information and other obligations in distance selling and e-commerce can be returned without giving reasons by sending them back, provided that the goods are suitable for return due to their condition and the expiry date of the goods is not would be exceeded. The timely dispatch of the goods is sufficient to meet the deadline. The return of individual components of a set is only permitted if these components are also offered for sale individually in the Läderach online shop. The consumer bears the costs for the return.
1.6 In the event of defects, the goods must be returned to Läderach (Schweiz) AG, Postfach 124, Bleiche 14, CH-8755 Ennenda, Switzerland. The return is at the expense and risk of Läderach online shop. Obligations to refund payments will be fulfilled within 30 days of receipt of the returned item. Läderach online shop is entitled to deduct any compensation from the purchase price. If individual components of a set are returned, the discount granted by the Läderach online shop for all components of a set as part of the set price expires. The customer is therefore only reimbursed for the difference between the set price and the purchase price of the individual parts for the returned components, which he keeps. Returns in the original packaging and enclosing the invoice or